Listings duration are set by the user and will be automatically re-listed if no bids are placed.
- Please upload clear images and pictures from all sides of the item.
- Your description must be fully detailed with all kind of information about the product as damage, tears, smell or any issues related with the products.As the buyers look for details, your pictures must be not blurry and not in night time for successfully selling your product.
2. Start price is recommended 1.00 £/$/€
3. Reserve price can be enabled in the cost of 0€
Reserve price products must be listed with starting value under the reserve price by your choice.
Reserve price will be shown in red colour instead of green
4. Auctions Sniping Feature
Bid Sniping
Definition: When a bidder, during a timed auction, places a bid that becomes the highest bid with just seconds remaining until the end of the auction, leaving no time for other bidders to outbid him / her.
When its ON any bid placed below 03:00 minutes remaining time will be returned back to 03:00 minutes so bidders will have additional time to place another bid.
When its OFF the timer will not return to 03.00 minutes and it will continue to the remaining time till reach 00:00.
6.Shipping information
As seller you decide what will be the shipping prices as providing tracking is mandatory for all products.
You can choose to include return option for the product.If return option is available you must inform the buyer for your return policy details.
7.Main payment method is PayPal
- You can use PayPal payments with all major cards
- You can pay as a guest or register your account to guarantee your money with PayPal Buyer Protection.
- Payment on arrival (You pay directly on arrival on your seller and he must update your payment method at shipping status)
- Bank Transfer(You can directly transfer the money to your seller bank account)
For more information please visit Payments section